Sunday 5 May 2013

Return to Tavira

Yesterday (May 5th), as we were preparing to check out of our Tarifa HOSTAL, we heard the chanting of a procession in the streets. The man who was working the reception desk could not speak English, but he excitedly tried to tell us what was going on and the word 'Fatima' was being used. We hurried out to see what was happening and here is what we saw.......

We joined the procession and appreciated the canter's chants and the participant's singing as it seemed to be a dedication to the Virgin Mary. This whole area, in Spain, is reputed to have had sightings of the Virgin Mary, in past, and they have pilgrimages to these sighting spots every year, where thousands and thousands of people come to participate and pray. This seemed like some type of preamble to something bigger......but we totally did not know what was going on! The old, ornate, giant cathedral, they took her into, was very interesting as well......

(This was just one column of the church interior....there were two other columned areas to the right) see the main part, below......

After the procession, we enjoyed a great breakfast, then hit the road, for Sevilla, where the plan was to have lunch and shop! The drive into Sevilla was very beautiful. The area of Spain, we were travelling in, is called Andalusia and the landscape between Tarifa and Sevilla is referred to as the is hilly, almost mountainous, forested, interspersed with fields tucked in ,here and there, winding roads....very, very pretty!!

The highways, in Spain, are in SUCH great shape and they seem to take pride in having 4 lane highways connecting main cities, which means, the smaller cities/towns, in between benefit from good highway access. (The highways in Portugal are actually the same, in terms of excellent shape!)

Our arrival in Sevilla became stressful as we made one little wrong decision/turn and we got thrown into a 'maze of unknown'.....we knew where we wanted to go, we just could not find our way there! We drove around quite a lot and then.......thanks be to God......we found the city centro AND parking!! Hallelujah!!!! all we could say!!

It was hot in Sevilla....about 27 degrees......there were lots of people about (there was going to be a big bull fight that night!) ..... It had a VERY vibrant energy! We immediately sat down for lunch and a drink, then hit the streets, on foot, because I was on a mission to find some NICE Spanish leather boots!!! was a sad realization that there were NO boots in any shoe store!!! It must not be the season for boots because the only footwear sported in the shops were high heals, sandals, flats and loafers!! What a huge disappointment for me!

When I combined: the stressful arrival + the heat/sun (which I am so sensitive to) + the fact I was not feeling well all morning + the mega stimulating street activity + inability to find boots or any UNIQUE clothing stores + the fact we had to make our way out of Sevilla all ='ed....."Let's just go home"!!! (Meaning our peaceful Tavira!!)

We had a bit more challenge getting out of Dodge, because of one simple wrong turn again....but it was not as stressful figuring our way out of that one! Before long, we were out on the highway, heading to Portugal and it felt relieving to be on our way back!

Here are a few pictures of the vibrant, beautiful, grand Spanish city of Sevilla....







We felt soooooo great getting back to our beautiful, peace-filled truly felt like 'coming home'! We were warmly greeted by people we see/talk to every day, we know our way around, we love the slow paced energy and familiarity!

(Here are the old men who gather to place bocce ball on the boulevard by the grocery store, in Tavira)


We put stuff away.....took the car dressed and headed out for our final 'Saturday Date Night' in Taviral! We went to a clarinet/accordion concert at the old church (part of the classical music concert series)....which was WONDERFUL,!! Then......out for supper to our Brazillian friends restaurant (Junior & Georgia's), then out for a walk, where we ran into Kenny & Christine, who were having a drink at a street cafe/bar. We joined them and had a great catch-up visit! We made a plan to meet them later today for a walk to St Luzia and lunch at a favourite restaurant of theirs.

We are glad to be back in Tavira, enjoying a laid back...slow paced....exquisitely peaceful Sunday....our last one here in Portugal! Next Sunday at this very time....we will be reconnecting with our Greenwater Lake home and our cats who, we are sure, have missed us!



  1. The first time i went to Mauro's village, there was a similiar procession. Turns out it was that village's saint day, every village has a specific saint. Lots of fireworks in the evening and a dance. Your 'home base' sounds so nice!

  2. I can't believe it is coming to an end so quickly . . . I could read your journaling forever and ever. Identify with the wrong twists and turns part . . . . that happened to us In North Carolina . . . and we saw some beautiful scenery that we wouldn't have seen otherwise . . took it as fate and enjoyed it. Sooo looking forward to seeing you in person and hearing more about your journey.
