Saturday 17 October 2015

Oct. 13-16th: Waiting For The Cat In The Hat!

"I sat there, with Betty. We sat there, we two and I Said, 'How I wish we had something to do!'.....Too wet to go out and too far to the bus....we decided to stay in and not make a fuss!" 

Well....I am finally back to blogging our adventures after taking a week off, with 'Blog Fog', choosing, instead, to only post on Facebook (because it is easier and definitely quicker!).
We have just lived through 3 full days of torrential type rain!! Yes!!!! I am serious when I say "torrential rain"!! It WAS NOT the kind of rain that you could put on a raincoat, grab an umbrella and maybe get a bit wet.....NO, NO, NO.... it was humongous rain that flooded the roads and created some crazy flood-outpouring of water, from the mountains that surround the Bay, like a waterfall!!! 

Looking out, from our door, we could hardly see the other side of the Bay and at times, we literally COULD NOT see across the Bay!

On Thursday, our serene Bay with its CALM, crystal clear waters, had turned angry and murky brown!!! It was kind of sad and agitating, all in the same moment, as we experienced its turbulence! 

Locals, here, say that although Croatia, typically, begins to experience rain in October, this harsh and powerful rain, over this length of time, was an unusual occurrence! We are on a 'drinking water advisory' as a result of their little water treatment plant getting bombarded!!

Anyway......we stayed indoors and actually enjoyed kicking back!!!! At times, we felt some restlessness and some frustration, if we thought about our time being 'wasted' indoors vs. experiencing other parts of this country.  But.....we reigned in these thoughts...settled these feelings and focused on making our time indoors fun! We read books, played competitive games of YAHTZEE and crib, made soup and other tasty meals, figured out how to get 'Orange Is The New Black' on line and started watching Season 3, had some good life-planning talks and we focused our thoughts/attention on savouring and being grateful for this adventure in beautiful Croatia! 

I guess maybe the Cat In The Hat Did visit after all!! 



1 comment:

  1. Love reading your stories . . would be wonderful to hear about it all in person.
